I realized from recent interactions that there was some amount of overlap between my readers for articles and the audience for the Product School talk on Getting Your First PM Job. So, this was an easy approach for me to share reference material from the talk and point to more resources around product management and job hunt.
I do not have a way to add slides, PDFs, or detailed images to the article on Substack, so I’ve linked to the information. Let me know if that doesn’t work for you.
Firstly, here is a recording of the talk. The talk was pre-recorded so this is the version of the recording I had submitted to Product School. Getting Your First PM Job
You can see Product School’s telecast of the talk here on LinkedIn.
Slide Deck
You can find the slide deck with speaker notes here. The speaker notes include some more explanations for the slides. I hope this helps:
Reviewing the information
Adding your notes to the PDF ‘handout’ for future reference
Referring to more details in the speaker notes
Clicking on the URLs to save time searching
Here is a sample spreadsheet to maintain a list of companies and help prioritize and rank them. Company List Sample
Here is a sample spreadsheet to maintain a list of potential champions you’ve talked to, to help you remember to stay in touch and remember when you reached out to them and where. Networking Tracker Sample
Here is an example of preparing a psyche profile for informational interviews and interviews. Psyche Profile Sample
Here is an example of preparing for a company for interviews. Company Research Sample
Based on the questions that come up across channels including slido, I can address those in a follow-up article.
I want more
You can read the follow-up post on FAQs here.
Originally published at https://harshalpatil.substack.com on Jan 26, 2021