Step 3: Channels To Elevate Your Consulting Profile
This is step 3 in building your consulting firm, as I learnt and applied from The Irresistible Consultant's Guide to Winning Clients.
In this post, we talk about selecting effective marketing channels to enhance visibility. Your marketing channels could be speaking, writing, or networking. I also share my lessons learned from my unbalanced marketing efforts.

Step 3: Build Visibility Through Marketing
Choose at least two of the five channels below. However, make sure one of them is networking.
Marketing Channels:
trade associations, or
digital presence.
My take:
In 2022 and 2023, I focused too much on step 3 and not enough on step 2. I wrote a lot, met new people, spoke in public, and kept up my online presence. But, I didn't explain my niche or skills well to my (personal or work) friends.
I tried ‘speaking’ as a marketing channel. I spoke at 3 places:
I enjoyed writing and wrote 52 blogs in 2023. I developed faster ways to write using ChatGPT and found solutions to content creation. Going forward, I have selected writing and networking as the 2 marketing channels.
Helpful books on marketing for consultants:
Key Person of Influence by Daniel Priestley
Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley
The Steal Like an Artist Audio Trilogy by Austin Kleon
Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port
I wrote about all the books I read in 2023 here.
Since it is hard to navigate within a long post with a table of contents, I split this into 5 articles, (about) one for each step. All posts in this series: